Sunday, 5 February 2017

Basic CBSE question of carbon and its compound class10SA2

By Muhammad Sahanawaj MCQ’S Based on : Aldehydes, Ketones and HaloalkanesQ01. The general molecular formula of aldehydesand ketones is1) CnH2n-1.O2) CnH2nO3) CnH2n+2O4) CnH2n+4OQ02. Aldehyde functional group can occur1) Any where in the carbon chain2) In the middle of the carbon chain3) Only at the second carbon atom4) only at either end carbon atom of the chainQ03. Propan-2-ol on treatment with copper at 3000c forms1) Acetone2) Acetaldehyde3) Ethane4) Both 1 and 2Q04. Which of the following is correct?1) Aldehydes undergo Cannizzaro’s reaction2) Aldehydes are less susceptible to oxidation than ketones3) Aldehydes are more susceptible to oxidation than ketones4) Formaldehyde forms CuO with Fehling’s solutionQ05. IUPAC name of CH3CHOHCH2CHO is1) 2-hydroxybutanal2) 2-hydroxypropanal3) 3-hydroxybutanal4) b-hydroxybutanalQ06. The reagent which can be used to distinguish acetophenone from benzophenone is1) 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine2) Benedict’s solution3) Tollen’s reagent4) I2 and Na2CO3Q07. Toluene on reacting with chromyl chloride gives:1) Chlorotoluene2) Benzyl chloride3) Benzaldehyde4) Benzoic acidQ08. Mesitylene is prepared from1) CH3CHO and conc. HNO32) CH3COCH3 and conc. H2SO43) CH3COCH3 and conc. HCl4) CH3CHO and conc. H2SO4Q09. (CH3)2C = CHCOCH3 can be oxidised to (CH3)2C = CHCOOH by1) Chromic acid2) NaOI3) Cu at 3000c4) KMNO4Q10. Oppenaur oxidation is the reverse process of1) Wolff –Kishner reduction2) Rosenmund’s reduction3) Clemmensen reduction4) Meerwein-Pondorf-Verely reductionQ11. In the reaction CH3CHO + CH2(COOH)2 ----------pyridine/heat ------->A. The compound A is1) CH3COOH2) C2H5COOH3) CH3CH = CHCOOH4) COOHCH = CHCOOHQ12. Benzaldehyde reacts with alcoholic KCN to give:1) C6H5CH(OH)CN2) C6H5CH(OH)COC6H53) C6H5CH(OH)COOH4) C6H5CH(OH)CH(OH)C6H5Q13. Aldehydes and ketones do not react with1) sodium bisulphite2) phenyl hydrazine3) semi carbazide4) di hydrazine sodium phosphateQ14. Which of the following will undergo aldol condensation?1) CH2=CHCHO2) CH=CCHO3) C6H5CHO4) CH3CH2CHOQ15. Which type of isomerism is shown by the pentanone1) Chain isomerism2) Position isomerism3) Functional isomerism4) All 1, 2 and 3Q16. Paraldehyde is formed as a result of polymerisation of1) CH3CHO2) HCHO3) CH3OH4) CH3CH2CHOQ17. Aromatic aldehydes in the presence of CN-ion give acyloins. The reaction is known as1) Perkin reaction2) Benzoin condensation3) Claisen condensation4) Cannizzaro’s reactionQ18. Which of the following method is used to convert ketone into hydrocarbon1) aldol condensation2) Reimer Tieman reaction3) Cannizzaro’s reaction4) Clemmensen’s reductionQ19. Which will not give formaldehyde on heatingor upon distillation?1) Formalin2) Trioxane3) Paraldehyde 4) ParaformaldehydeQ20. When ethanal is heated with Fehling’s solution it gives a precipitate of1) Cu2) CuO3) Cu2O4) CuO+Cu2O+CuQ21. When CH3CHBrCH2CH3 is reacted with alcoholic KOH the major product is1) CH3CH=CHCH32) CH2=CHCH2CH33) CH3CH(OH)CH2CH34) CH3CH2CH2CH3Q22. Benzene reacts with n-propyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give1) 3-propyl-1-chlorobenzene2) n-propyl benzene3) No action4) Isopropyl benzeneQ23. Identify Z in the following series:CH2=CH2 -----HBr---> X ------Hydrolysis ----> Y -----I2/ excess NaOH ----> Z1) C2H5I2) C2H5OH3) CHI34) CH3CHOQ24. Bromoethane reacts with silver nitrite to form1) Nitroethane2) Ethane3) Ethylnitrite4) Nitroethane and ethylnitriteQ25. Which of the following compounds on oxidation gives benzoic acid?1)o-Chlorophenol2)p-Chlorotoluene3) Chlorobenzene4) Benzyl chlorideQ26. Reaction between alkyl halide and sodium metal is called1) Wurtz reaction2) Kolbe’s reaction3) Clemmensen’s reaction4) Wurtz - Fittig’s reactionQ27. Which compound gives iodoform by reaction between I2 and NaOH?1) CH3OH2) C2H5OH3) C3H7OH4) C2H5OC2H5Q28. The reactivity order of halides in dehydrohalogenation reaction is:1) R-F > R-Cl > R-Br > R-I2) R-I > R-Br > R-Cl > R-F3) R-I >R-Cl > R-Br > R-F4) R-F > R-I > R-Br > R-ClQ29. Which of the following undergoes nucleophilic substitution exclusively by SN1 mechanism?1) ethyl chloride2) isopropyl chloride3) chlorobenzene4) benzyl chlorideQ30. SN2mechanism proceeds through intervention of:1) carbocation2) transition state3) free radical4) carbanionANSWERSQ 01 2Q 11 3Q 21 1Q 02 4Q 12 2Q 22 4Q03 1Q 13 4Q 23 3Q 04 3Q 14 4Q 24 4Q 05 3Q 15 4Q 25 4Q 06 4Q 16 1Q 26 1Q 07 3Q 17 2Q 27 2Q 08 2Q 18 4Q 28 2Q 09 2Q 19 3Q 29 4Q 10 4Q 20 3Q 30 2

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